Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How To Design Your Outdoor Patio?

As the weather starts tilting towards warmth, we start spending more of our time outside in the patio. The focus changes from interior designing to outdoor gardening real quick. But we don't really need any season to hang out with family and friends in the outdoors to cook, relax and have some quality time. Whether we wish to soak some sun in winter or take the evening breeze in summer and spring; patio areas are an excellent value addition to the home.
Let us give you some solid ideas about patio designing straight from interior design experts.

Finding inspiration with what you have

While planning out the design for your patio, look out for things which you cannot change and evaluate what can be done with them. Big trees and shrubs are things which you cannot completely get rid of. Instead of seeing these things as hurdles, attempt to make the best out of them. With the help of your interior designer in Kolkata; trim these shrubs in size which is feasible to the look.
Analyze the area of your patio and then think of what all you can do there. Your new garden area can have a couple of chairs, a small table, and a swing (if the area is spacious enough) and a few tubs of plants too.

Sizing it correctly

Patios are growing in popularity because of their friendly and casual nature. People prefer to hang out and have alone time in patios rather than in living rooms these days. Sizing it right means that your patio has been designed to be able to handle a crowd. Usually, it is a place for an intimate gathering among your close friends and family. But you can use it for more than that. Occasions like birthday parties, festivals and other family gatherings can be conducted in these spaces too.

For that, you need to do a little bit of planning. Let experts from CeeBee Design Studios, a top-level interior design company in Kolkata help you with that. These talented designers will chalk out the best possible plan for your patio design and execute it perfectly.

Modern White Patio

White lounging chairs with a matching umbrella is the perfect patio design. It will reflect the stylish vibe of your personality. Of course, you can add some mix of colors here and there with the table cloth, tubs of plants, other furniture and etc. But having two lounging chairs with a white umbrella will look stunning in its own magnitude.

Glass corridors

The glass corridors are one of the most classic decors which people choose for their patios. It is classy and gives out very sophisticated vibes. You can either get glass corridors for the entrance of the patio or place the swing within a glass box-like structure. It would look magical to look at the greenery and sun and blue sky sitting inside the glass box on a swing.
This idea might sound expensive but it really is not. Getting in touch with the right design company would let you have a great deal on this.
Contact us without any hesitation for any query or consultation. We will be happy to help!